
August Class & WBW Celebration

Monday night was the breastfeeding class for Wayne county. We sent out special invitations hoping to draw more people to the class. Our average is 4.3 people per class and last night we had 7 attend!

We set up a table full of extra pamphlets that we don't usually put in our folders, goodies for them to take and books to look at.

We had yummy food. We need to start having healthy snacks at our classes instead, but since this was a WBW celebration as well, we had not-so-healthy food. Anyone have some really good healthy snack ideas? (looking back, I said the same thing about the last class...)

We had balloons! It's not a party without balloons!

Everyone got a folder full of pamphlets and handouts, a world breastfeeding week button, a few breastfeeding stickers, a name tag, a piece of paper to take notes on, a pen to write with, an evaluation form to fill out and a little card that they can fill out if they'd like more information about anything specific.
We played the breastfeeding treasures game, which is always really fun, and then drew names out to give out more prizes. Everyone ended up winning something!

We have a box that they can drop their evaluation forms in.

We have our doll, Aiden, who we demonstrate positioning with. I encouraged the moms to gather around me while I demonstrated last night. I felt they could see better and were asking more questions because it didn't feel so formal.

We also had some fake poo. I don't remember which website I found the recipe on, but it said it was an Amy Spangler recipe:
  • 1 t. mustard
  • 2 t. sesame seeds
  • 1 T. cottage cheese
  • For meconium—use molasses
  • For transitional stool—use molasses + baby poop

we felt it was a bit too thick and could use a bit of watering down (perhaps with milk).

1 comment:

--r said...

your shirts turned out great!
i'm always so impressed with all you manage to do!