
Health Fair Photos

Here are a few pictures I took at the health fair this afternoon:

Kristen with our little setup. Big giant thanks to Scot for the tent! I am very grateful that I don't look like a lobster.

Our presentation board. I don't think anyone actually read a word on it (besides 'breastfeeding')- so if you're planning on making one, use lots of pictures! Also, large pieces of cardboard do not stand well on windy days. We provided the other health fair participants lots of free entertainment while we tried to catch our presentation board every time it blew away!

Table full of pamphlets. We also had various fliers available to anyone that wanted more information, but no good way to display them.

I think freebies were the main draw to the event, so it's a good thing we took bracelets and a few stickers from noodle soup. Kristen managed to sell 10 of our bows! yay Kristen!

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